
Monday, March 12, 2012


Wilbur, the Lovable Dragon was hurt—

And with very good reason, I'm sad to assert.

Like all proper dragons, smoke, orange and red,

Poured from his nostrils and circled his head.

He looked so ferocious that children in fright

Took to their heels in unflattering flight.

One day he was stoking his personal stove

By eating red peppers that grew in a grove

When along came Chief Thundercloud's prettiest


Known in the village as Little Bright Water.

She carried a handful of corn as she came

To throw at the birds that were hungry and tame.

She came upon Wilbur, who much to her panic,

Behaved with a warmth that was almost volcanic.

Puffing and snorting, he blithely came up

And frolicked around like a lovable pup.

Too frightened to speak, she couldn't have fled—

But in terror, she hurled all her corn at his head.

Artist Leo Harrington

It flew all about him.  Then, harmlessly dropping,

The corn she had thrown began merrily popping!

That funny hot snow—oh, it smelled very good!

Should she sample a flake? She decided she would.

Wilbur, the Lovable Dragon, my dear,

Thereafter was happy for many a year.

Children adored him!  And grateful and lovin',

They fed him red peppers to heat up his oven.

Famous was Wilbur, and very contented . . .

And that is how popcorn, I think, was invented!

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