
Monday, June 26, 2017


Recommended reading for anyone skeptical about the Warren Report: Mary's Mosaic by Peter Janney, a close friend of Mary's from the time they were children and intimidated by their fathers, both CIA agents. The Epilogue is a skillful summation of the previous 374 pages.
[excerpt from book review on Amazon]
     Mary Pinchot Meyer was murdered a short time after the 
assassination of her lover, President John F. Kennedy. Unlike President Kennedy's many affairs, his relationship with Mary Meyer was a very serious one. Mary had been married for many years to a high-ranking CIA officer who would later be named as being directly involved in the planning and execution of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Warren Report had been publicly released just weeks prior to Mary's assassination and she was openly outraged at its obvious whitewash of the truth. The CIA had pre-knowledge of Mary's murder; The CIA's Counter-intelligence Chief was found in Mary's home, frantically searching for her diary; The official version of what happened to Mary's private diary was a pack of lies.
     "Mary's Mosaic" is a dramatically compelling book.  The author, Peter Janney, had a unique perspective as an insider growing up in the CIA spy
circles of Washington, D.C. and he harnessed those unique connections to weave together the facts on one of the most interesting "cold cases" in
history. The book answers questions that are not only intriguing in themselves,
but also of great historical importance. Why was Mary Meyer's romantic
affair with President Kennedy such a serious relationship and unlike all of
his other indiscretions?
     How did President Kennedy make the personal transition from "war 
hawk" to man of peace? Why did the CIA's Counterintelligence Chief make a mad rush to grab Mary's diary right after she was killed?
     This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the 1960s in general
and the JFK assassination in particular. The author corrects the myth that has surrounded both the relationship between President Kennedy and Mary, as well as the true circumstances of her death.  It also conveys how President Kennedy made the transformation from Cold War warrior to a leader who was extremely
distrustful of both the Military and Intelligence establishments and was aware of
the horrors they were all too capable of performing.
From: Mommalley [] 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 7:44 AM
To: 'Kathie Malley-Morrison'
Subject: RE: seeking peaceful solutions

I extracted the following from a review of  Mary's Mosaic, knowing it would be of special interest to you and followers of your blog, Engaging
     Ms Mary Pinchot Meyer reportedly tried to appeal to President Kennedy's pacifist nature and urged him to seek peaceful solutions to such worldwide crises as  the Cold War and the Cuban missile crisis. 
     Ms Meyer was shot dead beside a Georgetown canal in October 1964, and while police said it was a would-be sexual assault that turned fatal, Janney's book-- and Meyer's ex-husband -- claim she was assassinated by the CIA.
Theories: Some believe that both President Kennedy and Ms Meyer were killed by the CIA because the President was against the violent foreign policy that CIA officials wanted to pursue.(From Midnight, July 12, 1976)
    What are the odds of 30 people — all involved in the same horrible scandal — dying within four years?
    Because that's what happened with Watergate.
    Since the break-in at the Democratic National Headquarters on June 17, 1972, there have been 30 deaths — many of them violent — all of people involved in one way or another.
    The odds are at least 100,000,000,000,000,000 to one. (One hundred million billion to one.)
    An actuary of the London Sunday Times worked out that figure after witnesses in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy died within four years of his death.
    Now Watergate has surpassed even that violence.

MIDNIGHT Staff Writer
    The CIA is behind it all. That's the conclusion of Mae Brussell — one of America's foremost assassination experts — a researcher who has collected every pertinent newspaper story, every book, every document since the Watergate break-in four years ago on the night of June 17, 1972.
    She believes that a faction within the Central Intelligence Agency is responsible 
not only for Watergate, but for the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy.
    She believes that everything horrible that's happened in American politics is connected, starting with the Bay of Pigs.
    Some of the 30 people who died, she says, knew only about CIA involvement in Watergate. Some of them knew much, much more.
 Faith versus transparency Circa 2008
 Perhaps after 45 years what is more important than "who killed JFK" is the effect the murder has had on our society. While the major institutions of society quickly lined up behind the Warren Commission's "men of unimpeachable reputation," the public smelled a rat. The oft-cited decline of faith in government can be traced to the Kennedy assassination and the Vietnam War which followed it.
     The questions raised by the assassination echo today. Declassified files now show that Kennedy was actively engaged in a plan to fully withdraw from Vietnam in 1963, and was also engaged in peace feelers with Fidel Castro behind the back of his own State Department. Were these and other 1963 moves toward lessening Cold War tensions the motive for his public execution? From JFK to his brother Robert to Martin Luther King to more modern victims such as Yitzak Rabin and Benazir Bhutto, the pattern of murder is all too familiar. And whether this pattern indicates "state crime" or not, the killing will never stop until there is transparency and honesty in the investigations of these political murders.
June 14, 2012
     Acquiescing to CIA demands for secrecy, the National Archives announced Wednesday that it will not release 1,171 top-secret Agency documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy in time for the 50th anniversary of JFK’s death in November 2013.
     “Is the government holding back crucial JFK documents?” asked Russ Baker in a WhoWhatWhy piece that Salon published last month. The answer, unfortunately, is yes. In a letter released this week, Gary Stern, general counsel for the National Archives and Record Administration, said the Archives would not release the records as part of the Obama administration’s ongoing declassification campaign. Stern cited CIA claims that “substantial logistical requirements” prevented their disclosure next year.
     “This is a deeply disappointing decision that deprives everyone of a fuller understanding of the JFK assassination,” said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, who is writing a book about the impact of JFK’s assassination on American politics. “The 50th anniversary of that terrible event is the perfect opportunity to shed more light on the violent removal of a president. This adds to the widely held public suspicion that the government may still be hiding some key facts about President Kennedy’s murder.”
     The records, requested by the nonprofit Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC), will remain secret until at least 2017,* when the 1992 JFK Records Act mandates public release of all assassination files in the government’s possession.
     Among those seeking expedited disclosure were Notre Dame Law School professor G. Robert Blakey, who served as chief counsel for Congress’ JFK investigation in the late 1970s. In an email he accused the NARA of using “bureaucratic jargon to obfuscate its failure to vindicate the public interest in transparency, a goal touted no less than by the Obama administration. “
     “It beggars the imagination to assert that documents (or portions thereof) can only be released in 2017, but not 2013,” said independent scholar Max Holland in an email. “I can understand a 100-year argument, in order to protect the identity of confidential sources (says a spy in Castro’s Politburo who said he didn’t do it); a 100-year rule would protect him or her. But 54 years versus 50?  Doesn’t make sense … NARA has done a poor job of carrying out the letter, spirit and intent of the JFK Act.”
     NARA had originally said the 1,171 CIA documents would be reviewed for release. In 2010, assistant archivist Michael Kurtz told a public hearing in Washington that the JFK records would be included in the Obama administration’s ongoing declassification campaign. 
     The idea was popular with the public. As Baker reported, NARA asked on its online Open Government Forum, for suggestions from the public about what it could do to create greater transparency. The #1 most popular idea? Get those Kennedy records out—before Nov. 22, 2013, the fiftieth anniversary of the Dallas tragedy.
     In his letter to the AARC, Stern said that Kurtz “misspoke.” The Archives, he explained, tries “to balance historical impact, public interest, and extent of other government agency involvement [emphasis added] in order to manage government-wide declassification resource constraints as efficiently and effectively as possible.”
     In this case, the evident public and scholarly interest in JFK disclosure was outweighed by the CIA’s desire to keep ancient but still-sensitive records out of public view.
     “After five decades it is ridiculous that information is still being withheld from the people whose taxes paid for it,” said Sabato.   
     Ridiculous but true: As the 50th anniversary of the Dallas tragedy approaches, the CIA officials are hiding information about the events that culminated in the death of the liberal president —and the National Archives is helping them get away with it. . . .
* It's May 29, 2017.  I hope we'll be hearing that information soon, but I'm not counting on it.  bbm

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