
Saturday, July 21, 2018


To Tim and Kathy
Subject: cross to bear
Could either of you take me to see surgeon Dr. LaRocca at the same Eye Health Tim drove me to for the surgery?  The appointment is on Wednesday March 5th at ten a.m.  I’m thankful my right eye can see so clearly since the film was removed, but  the other one is now looking at my nose, making this old lady cross-eyed and cross.  I’d like the doctor to correct this.  He may be unable to do so because of scar tissue from previous corrective surgeries.  If he can’t, I’ll have a stronger tint made on my glasses.

3/ 6/ 2014
To Kathie
Subject: surgery
KK, I really don’t want to go through the rest of my life with a crossed eye.  My health insurance will pay for surgeries.

3/ 6/ 2014
From Kathie
Subject: surgery
I don’t blame you one bit, mom.  How great that the doctor can do the surgery. 

To incredible Kathie
My darling supportive daughter!  My last hope is the surgeon at Eye Health.  Will he say yes or no? If it’s no, I’ll bear in mind my incredible daughter, who has dealt with a far more serious handicap with grace and without complaint.

3/6 /2014
To Tim
As you undoubtedly know, Blue Cross Blue Shield does not pay for cosmetic surgery.  I said to Dr. La Rocca, “I suppose if I decide to do this, I’ll have to pay for it.” He said no, my insurance would cover it.  In other words they do not regard the correction of a crossed eye as a vanity procedure.  I have a feeling that perhaps you do.
I lay awake last night, visualizing myself taking off the tinted glasses and the wig, and showing you what I have to look at every morning of my life. A crossed eye is not the frosting on the cake.
I love you, though.

From Tim
Mom, my objection to the surgery was never about vanity - - it was always about the possible danger to someone with vision in just one eye.  You can certainly do whatever you like.

To Kathie
In retrospect, I can see that it was stupid of me to put my glasses in the bag with the frozen goodies I gave to Frank.  Did you happen to find them?  If not, don’t be concerned, I’m getting along fine with another pair.  If you did find them, I would like Frank, WHEN HE HAS TIME, to have them tinted a deeper lavender. 

From Kathie
Yes, I found them, and Frank will take care of the tinting.  You always look beautiful to me, with or without glasses.

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