
Monday, July 23, 2018


Don’t kid yourself. It ain’t over yet.
Posted on December 1, 2015 by kathiemm
Note to visitors: Kathie Malley-Morrison is my amazing daughter.  An auto accident in 1965 when she was 25 resulted in a wheelchair life. Undaunted, she obtained her Master's degree and her Doctorate and became a psychology professor at B U.  Do go to the Internet and check out her very worthwhile blog at
     Thanksgiving is not over, at least not for me. I’m still giving thanks—not for all the benefits that come with white privilege, because they come at too high a cost for too many others—but for the people of all colors who fight for, work for, and live and die for peace. Today, when rabid voices howl with cries for war in countless caves across the nation, I give thanks to the volunteers for what is probably the longest peace vigil in US history—the White House Peace Vigil. This vigil began in 1981 as an anti-nuclear weapon vigil led by William Thomas, who was soon joined by Concepcion (“Connie”) Picciotto. Picciotto, an immigrant who arrived in the United States at the age of 18, has been described as “carrying on the longest continuous act of political protest in the United States.”    
     Now in her 70s, Piccioto has spent most of her time for over three decades in the “peace camp” —a white tent pitched in Lafayette Square across from the White House. She generally wears a helmet, because, she tells passersby, she has been hit in the head so often—generally by police. In 2013, when one of the volunteers left the tent area unguarded, the park police removed it. It was soon reinstalled and the vigil continues.     

Kathie Malley-Morrison, Professor of Psychology

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